Saturday, September 28, 2024

A lot of meditation and self care these past few years for me--and I'm ready to share new workshops and my Shiatsu practice with more people. It's no nonsense, non dogmatic, freeing--I help/guide you to find your own self care daily routine. Exciting things coming up--with space to give Shiatsu/Bodywork sessions in Manhattan--just started last week and people are signing up, what with individual clients the past couple of months in Westchester--and workshop happening in Hastings-on-Hudson, NY close to the end of October. Plus, workshops in Europe. Keep your eyes on here as there will be more to come.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Spring Announcements!

Dear Friends,

I have been really busy fundraising for Doctors Without Borders, known as MSF.  Cheyenne and I are cycling the 5Boro Bike Tour May 7th, and while it is about 3 weeks away, our fundraising page is closing in just 10 days.  So please donate if you have not already.
We have surpassed our $2,000.00 goal, however we are actively trying to reach our next goal of $3,000.00.  I hope you can help us to reach this goal as they are an amazing organization.

Yoga Spring classes have begun this week!
Monday morning in Croton, 9:30 am to 11:00 am.  Check out the Croton Recreation brochure: 
Tuesday evening in Hastings, 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm.  Hosted at a friends.
Ongoing Chair Yoga classes in Dobbs Ferry, Sleepy Hollow, and White Plains.

Individual Yoga and Bodywork sessions.  No need to leave your home I come to you.  Do Yoga with your kids, teens, and your older parent.  
Don't do Yoga or 'can't do it'.  I'll teach you the benefits of practicing Yoga postures while breathing fully, adapting the posture to fit your body, and simply believing you are moving.  This is rewiring your brain and I have used this method to recover from injuries and get through the ups and downs of life.

Last but not least!
Book your Yoga holiday with me.  I will be teaching in  South West France for two weeks in August.  Many people have already registered, be the next and join us: 

Peace and Love

Friday, January 6, 2017

Yoga Holidays in France!

I just got back from England and France.  It's so picturesque there and the food so good!  While I am so lucky to be living in a beautiful area as Westchester, I'm looking forward to running two Yoga Holidays in South West France this coming August.

Let me know if you have any questions.  These Yoga Holidays are about Yoga, relaxation, and fun!

Monday, February 1, 2016

Dear Friends,

I've been working on my own personal strength these past few weeks, and one of the highlights was being interviewed , by Dr. Mara Karpel, Sunday evening!

Please click here to listen to it or here:

I had to remind myself not to be perfect, especially since I've never done anything like this before.

Dr. Mara Karpel, originally from New York, living in Texas, is a licensed psychologist and specializes working with older adults.  She contacted me over a month ago and asked if she could interview me and work with her mother who lives in Westchester. 

I said Yes, of course!  

I'm very excited to share the work I do, so please listen to the podcast, share with friends and family, and anyone you think may be interested in working with me.

Send me an email if you would like a session with me.

Keep doing what you believe in!

Love Michèle

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Roll your shoulders back!

Roll your shoulders back!

I would always tell my mum to roll her shoulders back to stay standing upright.  I thought that would remind her to walk tall.

Instead what she really needed to do was get down on the floor on her belly and lift her head engaging the belly, and her back muscles--the spinal extensor muscle.  It's the muscle that extends from the lower back all the way to the neck.  This very important muscle helps to keep the trunk strong, and as a result prevents falling.

Do I have to worry about falling when I'm older?

Yes--poor core and bone strength can increase the risk of kyphosis (extreme rounding of the upper back), especially someone who has osteoporosis, which in turn can shift the body weight, and increase the likelihood of a fall.
No--don't wait till tomorrow to start an exercise program.  Take 5 minutes a day to do some strengthening exercises--such as these:

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Move with your breath--meaning, don't hold your breath when you exercise, and smile as you do it.

Trunk strengthening helps people of all ages to stay in shape. Older adults and people with osteoporosis seek assistance in back strengthening exercises.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

I am thankful

I am thankful that after  a year of recovery I can share Bodywork again.  I am so thankful that it has healed me so much:)

Monday, November 2, 2015

I am thankful

This month is a time when we start thinking, or at least my kids, of the 'holidays'.  Although, they are especially excited about receiving gifts (special gifts that they've been waiting for all year, and let me know they only would like one or two) they remind me how much they like the cosiness of our home, and settling into bed as the nights are longer.  They also like the joy of Christmas songs, and drive me crazy that they want to start listening to them in December! Maybe I should surprise them this year and say we start listening to them now.

However, they remind me that they are truly grateful for what they have, and that the holidays can light us up--even when there is great suffering all around us.

I am so thankful that my kids remind me that I can keep dreaming, and they remind me to not live in the past.  They are truly Yogis, and are wise beyond their years.

Please post and let me know what you are thankful for today.